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Moon medicine~
Empower your essence

The REVIVAL of the wisdom of women has been a very long time in the making. There is nothing "new age" about this. This force flows through all layers of existence.

It's deep, ancient wisdom coming forth to be remembered through creative spiritual synthesis, direct from Goddess.


This is not new a course, a class or anything that can even really be must be felt.

The heroine's journey

Here lies the revival of the sacred female force. A blueprint that truly has been here all along, just hidden by the societal pendulum swinging, just as the nature of evolution goes. As the pendulum swings back, it has been gathering all along the way!

This offering has been built with fire hardened bones of the past, within the movement of the blood of experience, the sweat that comes with many deaths in letting old patterns die, giving rise to new ones, and the tears that fall with the cry of the soul in deep remembrance.

A journey of empowerment as a weaver of the Divine, dancing along the spiral walk of a woman's life, down to the essence of your female being....

We welcome you to drop in to the awareness of the Heroine's Journey.....where ancient tradition meets creative and spiritual synthesis.......its time to Re~Divine and Live Aligned!

First....The Maiden Voyage

Begins Nov 22nd

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